A disciple asked his master, Guruji all beings are born and die. All creatures in this world, whether they are humans or animals, have the ability to express the feelings of hunger, pain and joy in all. Everyone knows how to defend himself. Everyone has to struggle with diseases. The end of all birds, animals and humans is certain, but what is the reason that only humans have monks, ascetics, wise men, thieves, robbers, terrorists etc? Why do different types of castes and religions exist in humans? Hearing the disciple's question, Guruji smiled and said, you asked a very good question. Indeed, the main reason behind this is the existence of intellect within the human. Due to intellect, birds and animals can not be like humans. An human can be wise and sage but he wanders instead of meaningful use of his intellect, and ruins his life under the wrong actions and goes to destruction by misusing his intellect. This wisdom should be used only in the right direction. Using intellect, man has divided himself into religions and castes instead of binding himself in the form of unity and has given birth to innumerable disputes. If a man wanted, he could use his intellect to bind the whole human race into the form of unity and make his life meaningful and successful, but he did not do it. If human still uses his intellect in good and righteous deeds, then he can make life successful, which other creatures of the world can not do. Now the disciple agreed with the master.
Baba Harbhajan Singh: A dead Soldier
You must have heard many stories of heroic soldiers, in which the soldiers defended their country by putting their lives at risk. As we know, there is no place of superstition either in the Indian Police or Indian Army. But this story is about the faith of the Indian Army. But despite being genuine, this story is still unbelievable. But would you believe that there is a heroic soldier in the Indian Army who protects his country even after his death and doing his duty with full fidelity. And the name of that heroic soldier is Harbhajan Singh. Harbhajan Singh was born into a Sikh family on August 30th, 1946 in the village of Sadrana in district Gujjarawala Punjab (Pakistan).
Harbhajan Singh joined the Punjab Regiment of Indian Army on February 9, 1966 as a Sepoy. The year of 1968 when the states of Sikkim and North Bengal was under the rage of great natural catastrophic where landslides, floods and heavy rain had taken thousands of lives across the two states. On October 4, 1968 sepoy Harbhajan Singh was escorting a mule caravan from his battalion headquarters in Tekula to Dengchukla, he fell into a fast flowing stream and was drowned. The rapid flow of water taken away his body up to distance of 2 km. For many days the search for Harbhajan Singh continued. But they did not get any information about Harbhajan Singh and then the Indian army declared him a fugitive. It is said that after some days of missing, his colleague had a dream of Harbhajan Singh informing him of his tragic incident and told him about the location of his dead body. After searching for three days, Harbhajan Singh's dead body found in the place where he had informed in the dream. It is said that in the dream, he had expressed his wish to have a samadhi made after him.
According to his wish, his samadhi was also made which is now known as Baba Harbhajan Singh Temple. People has a lot of faith in this place. Every year thousands of people visit here. It is said that even after death, Harbhajan Singh gives the information of the activities of the Chinese army on the border in the dream of his fellow army men. Even Chinese army men believe to have seen a human figure doing patrolling in the night across the border. On the basis of this fact, even after the death, he was kept in service of the Indian Army. Harbhajan Singh left the world so many years ago, but even today his soul is performing his duties in the Indian Army. In Baba's temple, Baba's shoes and other belongings have also been kept. Slippers and a neat sleeping bed also kept in the temple, it is all well maintained. The uniforms are neatly ironed and shoes polished ready for use. Army soldiers of Indian Army take care of Baba's temple.
Do every work with good thinking
There was a hermitage of a monk in a city. In his hermitage, he often preached and people used to come from very far away to listen to that monk's knowledge. The monk was very proud of his knowledge. There was a dancer in the same city. She used to dance in front of people to earn money. The dance of that dancer was very famous. She was very famous among many people. Incidentally, something happened that the monk and dancer died on the same day. After the death, when both of them reached Yamlok, the matter of giving them heaven or hell on the basis of their deeds and the hidden feelings behind them was being discussed. The Monk had full faith that he has done good deeds throughout his life, so he would get only heaven. On the other hand, there was no such idea in the mind of that dancer. She was just waiting for Yama's (God of death) decision. After looking at the accounts of the deeds of both of them, Yama announced that the monk will go in hell and dancer will go in heaven. After listening to this, the monk was shocked. He asked Yama, what kind of justice you have done with me? I always preached to people throughout my life and I got the hell, while this woman always danced to attract people, but she is being given heaven. Why so? Yama responded calmly that the dancer danced to fill her stomach but she always remained in the same feeling that my art is God's gift and I am dedicating it to God's feet. While you always remained proud of your knowledge which continued in your preach and behavior. Then do not forget that you used to think in your mind that I wish I could have an opportunity to see her dance. It seems that you have forgotten this important message of God that the feelings hidden behind the task are actually more important than the task. On hearing this, the monk remained silent. It is essential that we should do any work, but our feeling should always be good, otherwise the work that is good to be seen can also make us a partner of sin instead of good deed.
Importance of efforts
We all have some goals in life. We must also enjoy the efforts to reach the goal. Even if the goal is not achieved, you will enjoy the way you live in the thrill of achieving it. The efforts made to achieve success are more important than success. We have many desires and goals. We do not always get everything that we want. Some of us are happy with what they found, and some are always dissatisfied. Some people do not give up and keep trying constantly. Any one of your desires can be fulfilled only if you try as much as possible to fulfill it. But keep in mind that you should enjoy the efforts to achieve success. There are people who do not give special importance to efforts and when they get success, only then they get happy. But there are also some people who put so much energy in efforts that when the goal is complete, they do not have the energy to celebrate it. Therefore, the roads on the way towards your goal should be fully enjoyed. Playing soccer is a pleasure and winning is quite different. Our problem is that we combine happiness with victory. Musicians who sing classical music are so absorbed in their art that they do not care for the rest of the things. They do not even think about the audience. Their pleasure is that they can present their art with excellence. So enjoy your efforts. Make sure you work smartly. Only hard work does not work. Failure is the rule of life. This is the rule in every competition that one side has to lose. Instead of pursuing success, why not enjoy the game. It is the real discipline that you play independently of the idea of success and failure and play it naturally. In any competition, it will work for you.
Jesus Christ - The Son of True Master (God)
God sent many prophets to take out his people from the slavery of the devil but the people living on the earth did not listen anyone of them and the sins continued to grow in the world. Finally God sent his beloved and only son, the Lord Jesus Christ to protect his people on earth so that he could stop human from falling into the swamp of sins and make them free from the slavery of the devil. God loved the world so that he sent his only son, so that whoever believes in him can not be destroyed but has everlasting life. 700 years before the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, prophets of that time also predicted the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the plan of God about their works, even the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrection on the third day. The Lord Jesus Christ is the gift of the Holy Spirit, not by the union of man and woman. Jesus Christ was with God from the beginning, and 2017 years ago, God sent him from a holy spirit to earth with the Holy womb of a mother Mary. What a wonderful thing to see about the birth of Jesus Christ? the Son of God, Jesus Christ, chose to leave the palaces of Heaven and chose a modest place i.e animal stables. The Lord Jesus Christ healed all kinds of sick people by the power of the Holy Spirit received by God. They even resurrected the dead. The Lord Jesus Christ had the power to forgive offenders. Jesus Christ used to heal many sick people by saying that your sins have been forgiven, do not sin further.
Jesus Christ lived for 33 and half years in the world. He continued to serve his parents till the age of 30 and stayed in the service of the people for three and half years for maintaining goodwill, peace and brotherhood. He always said that love your enemies and love your neighbor as well. He said that if someone behaves badly with you, not forgive him 7 times, but 70 times, so that the Father who is in heaven will forgive you. The Lord Jesus Christ made people aware about the kingdom of heaven with his teachings. He said that in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, turn your mind away from evil and leave the bad deeds. The Lord Jesus Christ said that please know the truth and the truth will liberate you. This means that the person who follows his teachings after knowing the Lord Jesus Christ is liberated from the slavery of devil and can enter the kingdom of heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ used to go to the homes of sinners and also eat food, then the religious leaders of that time opposed this, but the Lord Jesus Christ scoffed at his opposition saying that I have come to save the sinners, not to the righteous. When the Lord Jesus Christ was born, that night with a very strange starlight star appeared on the sky. Many Christians believe the star was a miraculous sign to mark the birth of the Christ . Astronomers have made several attempts to link the star to unusual celestial events, such as a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, a comet, or a supernova. For this reason, Christian people decorate their homes with stars on Christmas night
Value of Life - Gautam Buddha
Once a man went to meet Mahatma Buddha for a certain reason. He was looking very disappointed. He asked Mahatma Buddha why did I get this life? What is the cost of my life in such a big world? Nobody wants me. Even my family do not want me. Because I do not do any work. I do not know about any work. Everyone condemns me. All people consider me a burden on the earth. There is no value of mine in this world and no one wants me. Being disturbed by this, I went out to commit suicide this morning. But on the way, a man told me about you that you solve everybody's problem. That is why I have come to you, Buddha. Please tell me what is my value in this world. The Buddha smiled after listening to him and then gave him a bright stone and said, first go and find out the price of this stone and tell me how precious this stone is. But keep in mind, You do not have to sell this stone. You just have to know the price of this stone.
At first, the man reached to a mango fruit seller to know the cost of that stone. He showed the stone to the mango fruit seller and said what would be the value of this stone. Mango fruit seller saw the stone and realized that it was not an ordinary stone. But still he said in a fake voice that it is not a precious stone. I can give you 10 mango fruits in exchange of this stone. After listening this, that man went away from there. He walked a little further and found a vegetable seller, he showed the stone to the vegetable seller and asked for its value. Seeing the stone, the vegetable seller said that I can give you 1 sack of potatoes in exchange of this stone. By listening this, that man went further away from there. Then he realized that in exchange of this stone the mango fruit seller was giving him 10 mangoes and the vegetable seller was giving him 1 sack of potatoes. Surely this stone is a precious stone. Then he thought that this stone should show to a jeweler. He took the stone and reached a jewellery shop. He showed him the stone and asked for its value. After seeing that stone, the jeweler noticed that the precious stone was a ruby. Jeweler wanted to get this Ruby. So the jeweler said, give this stone to me and take one hundred thousand gold coins from me. The man had so far been guessed about the value of the stone. But when he started to return back to buddha, the jeweler stopped him and said. Hey wait brother, I can give you five million gold coins. But still that man did not stop there.
But that jeweler did not want to let that stone go away from his hand at any cost. The jeweler came in front of that man and said that please give me this stone, I am ready to give you 10 million gold coins in exchange for this. That man did not want to sell this stone. So he started running away to escape from the jeweler. The jeweler called him from behind, this is a very precious stone, I will give you as many coins as you would like. That man was shocked by hearing this. The man reached straight to Buddha and narrated all this to Buddha. Buddha smiled and said, the fruit seller was giving only ten mangoes for this stone and vegetables seller was giving just one sack of potatoes for this stone. But the jeweler who recognized this stone and told that this stone is precious. Every person guessed his own value according to how many qualities they know about this stone. Life is also like this. Every human being is like a diamond. As much as the people recognize him, they give him the importance. But one main difference in human and diamond is that diamond is carved by others but the human himself has to be carved. You are not even less than a diamond. But you have not yet recognized yourself. You are just wasting your life. When you will recognize yourself, then everyone will understand your importance. Then everyone will know your value. And you will also understand what is your value in this world.
D’Souza Chawl - Haunted place of Mumbai
Mumbai is known as the Economic Capital of India. In Mumbai, there is no night, and even in the night there is no darkness and life never stops. Today we are going to tell you about one such place, which is believed to be one of the most haunted places in Mumbai. Whenever thoughts of ghosts arise in the mind, the picture of the old mansions, graveyards or deserted places comes to mind. But this ghost wanders around such a place, where people are always busy throughout the day. And the name of this place is D'Souza Chawl. This place is located in Mahim, Mumbai and It is said that the spirit of a woman wanders around this Chawl and many other supernatural powers also have been experienced here by many people. Residents here have come in possession of these spiritual powers many times.
Local people say that 25 years ago a woman came to live at this place. One day she was taking water from the well and fell into the well due to her foot slipping. After falling into the well, she cried for help, but no one could come to help her, which led to her death. The reason for her death is that there was no wall around that well. Local people say that after this incident the spirit of that woman wanders around this well. It is said that if a person passes near the well in the night, then he sees the spirit of that woman, but her spirit does not harm anyone. The owner of this place has now sealed the well so that her spirit can not harm anyone, although she does not harm anyone. It is believed that many people have seen her ghost at night, but people see this ghost as a good spirit. Even today those people pray for the peace of her soul.
Changes in life are very important
Our life passes constantly through changes. If we stop accepting the changes then our life will stop. Every experience gives us the opportunity to move or change. You should learn everything through your experiences that will develop you. There are many types of fears in our mind that are due to some reasons and some are without reasons. If you have fear in your mind about your future, then it is useless. Actually, not knowing what is going to happen in the future, makes your life interesting. When a child falls, then the fear of falling within him accumulates. And when the child grows up and does not end the fear of falling within himself, then he can not enjoy life. Therefore, we must eliminate all kinds of fear from within ourselves to live peacefully. A person, who only lives at the level of the senses, can only experience senses level pleasure. The other person who keeps his body healthy through proper diet, exercise, is at the second level. At the third level is a person who is free from emotional bondage. He tries to win people with love and compassion rather than anger and jealousy. The level above them is the intellectual level, when there is clarity on things in the mind of a person. At the top comes the spiritual level when a person learns to spend his own inner energy properly. When there is peace and purity inside, then a person is at a spiritual level. Our life is made up of both knowledge and ignorance. We must have understanding of knowledge and ignorance. You have the knowledge, but you have not sharpen yourself with that knowledge or say that you have not utilized that knowledge, then that knowledge is of no use. If people think that I know everything and I do not need to change, then such thinking makes the person blind. This thinking never lets the person move forward.
Bengal Swamp (Aleya ghost lights)
West Bengal is a place in India which is famous for black magic and ghostly events. The Aleya ghost lights of Bengal Swamp in West Bengal is also a mysterious incident that is still an unsolved mystery. People consider this place as mysterious as well as a ghostly place. The mystery of this bright light around this swamp of Bengal is still unsolved. Fishermen gave information about the presence of this light. According to them, this light was emerging from the marshy region of West Bengal. According to the people, these lights belong to those souls who died due to trapping in this swamp while fishing. It is believed that sometimes this light also warns about future threats. These lights sometimes confuse the fishermen so that they fall into the water and get drowned. But sometimes, these lights help them for guiding and prevent them from danger. From time to time, several dead bodies are found by the locals in this area. This phenomenon is still unexplained. The scientists from all over the world come to see these marshes to study the strange lights, but they have not been able to draw any reasonable explanation.
These lights known by different names have been associated with the paranormal or spirits of people. Some trying to help others while others leading them to their death. It is said that the person who follows this mysterious light is found dead. Once you follow this light, it becomes less in size and often disappear, people get nervous and lose their way. It is said that this light is responsible for the death of many fishermen. But some scientists say that when a gas emanating from the swamps gets mixed with oxygen then it starts to shine, which makes a small circle of light. But due to the death of many people from time to time, this place remains mysterious.
God gives us a lot
Once the king of a country was roaming in villages to ask about the problems of his people. His shirt button broke, while roaming in the villages. He asked his minister to find out the tailor in the village. The minister came to know that there was only one tailor in that village. The tailor was brought in front of the king. The king asked if you could put a button on my shirt. The tailor said, this is not a difficult task. He took the button from the minister and put that button on King's shirt with the thread of the same color. The king had that broken button, so the tailor had to use only his thread. The king asked the tailor how much money should be given. The tailor thought that the king already had that broken button, i have just used the thread. The tailor said, dear king, this was a very small task. So there is no need for money for this. The King again asked the tailor, tell me how much money you will take. Tailor thought that i should take two rupees. But then he realized that the king could conclude wrong from this by thinking that if the tailor is taking two rupees from the king, then how much money he would take from the rest of the people. At that time, the price of two rupees was very high. The tailor said to the king, Dear king, whatever you think is right, give it to me. He was a king, he had to give according to his position. His position does not get worse in order to give it, so he told his minister, give this tailor two villages. This is my order. Where the tailor was demanding only two rupees and where the king gave him two villages. Something similar happens with us. When we leave everything on the Lord, then lord gives us everything according to his will. We do not even know, how should prayer to god for something, he wants to give us a lot.
By opening the cage, you will get real freedom
If a bird is thrown into a cage, it will flutter the wings and repeatedly try to get out of that cage. The bird knows that what is the real meaning of flying and what kind of happiness exist in flying by spreading the wings. That bird has felt the peace of the sky, but the bird, which was born in the cage, does he even know about flying? If the bird is removed from a small cage and put in a large cage then will that bird get freedom? We have built a cage of our thoughts and ideas but the bird of the heart is closed in this cage. By removing from a cage of thoughts and putting them into another cage of thoughts, that bird will not get freedom. Whether a cage is big or small, of educated people or illiterate, what difference does it have, in reality it is also a cage. The heart of every human being wants to attain the ultimate peace of freedom. It is the heart that inspires man to get freedom, enjoy, praise and appreciate. When the heart is filled with love, all the secrets of nature are open to him. Just do one thing in your life that the bird of your heart has been gripped in the cage of darkness, ignorance and ego, let it free. When this cage will break one by one, then we will begin to understand. Only then this bird will fly. When it will fly, then it will get what is called peace and ultimate happiness. Nobody knows how long we have kept this heart bird in the cage of thoughts. When this cage will open, the heart will get freedom. On that day, love, joy and peace will shine. You are human beings of God. Have you ever seen the peacock dancing? That is also God's gift. If peacock dances in fun, then how beautiful he looks. When you will dance by spreading your wings of peace for that God, then you will also look so beautiful. Nowadays, people make different kinds of makeup to look beautiful but you seem to be real beautiful when there is real peace on your face.
Pain of a tree
A boy named Namdev was playing outside the house. His mother called him and said, Son, take out the bark of a tree, I need to make an essential medicine. The boy went to the forest as soon as the mother's order was received. In the forest, he scratched the tree bark with a knife and returned with it, but the liquid was dripping from it. On the way back from the forest, he found a Saint. The saint asked, what is this Namdev in your hand? Namdev replied, taking the tree bark to make medicine. Saint said, do you not know that damaging the green tree is unrighteous? Trees also have life. They are considered to be gods and worshiped. When the Vaidya breaks the leaves of a tree, firstly they join hands and pray that we are hurting you for the purpose of saving others lives. This is the law of our culture. The saint's words have a profound effect on Namdev. Namdev reached home with deep thinking. He gave the tree bark to the mother and sat in the corner of the room and peeling his foot skin with a knife. When her mother saw blood on his son's foot, then she was suddenly shocked and said, Are you gone mad, what are you doing ? Namdev replied, Saint had said that trees also have life. I am trying to figure out by peeling my foot skin and understand how much pain the tree will have when I was removing the bark of tree. Mother embraced her son. She understood that he has been greatly affected by saint's words. Later this child became famous with the name Namdev, and he saw Lord in each and everyone.
Do not lose today for tomorrow
Time is divided into past, present and future. But the greatest truth of time is present. Sometimes the past was also present and there will also be a future. Therefore present is the most important in every situation. If you do not know how to be happy at present, then you can never be happy. If you get this sound from your mind that you will be happy in the future then it also means that you are not happy at present. You have to learn to be happy at present. You should give the highest importance to your happiness in every situation. You should find happiness in today and not to waste your energy in thinking that what you will be in future. It also does not mean that you should work without any plan. You should have a plan but there is a difference between plan and dream. You should live the happiness that you get today. Be happy and enjoy your future goals with happiness. If you start living in today then your work will not be stressful, you will find it interesting and life will also be a joyous journey. Then you will find happiness in today and will not wait for happiness in the future. When you live with desires and wishes, you can not see the happiness of today, but if you see happiness in small things, then it makes life wonderful. Many people keep accumulating wealth with this aspiration that they will consume the full amount of money in one age but then the body does not accompany you and the doctor refuses to eat sweet. Then you can not eat sweet fruits. Then the body is dependent on medicines and you can not work much harder. Therefore, It is important that you should maintain a balance in life when you are healthy. Enjoy all the things. Take time for your important relationships. If you think that when you will have enough time you will meet important people, remember that such a time will never come. Those who lose today in waiting for such a time, lose every happiness in life.