The Well of Barhout - The Mystery of Yemen’s "Well of Hell"
The Well of Barhout, located in Al-Mahara, Yemen, is considered one of the most mysterious giant holes in the world. According to mythological beliefs, this well present in the middle of the desert is considered Yemen's "well of hell". Local folklore tell of a genie or jinn being imprisoned in it and also consider it a symbol of bad luck. Some people are also calling the well as "Path to Hades" or "Jail of Jinns". According to the locals, the well pulls people inside when they go nearby, so no one goes near it out of fear, but there is no scientific evidence that it pulls in.
It is worth mentioning that there is so much fear among the locals about this place that they are afraid to even talk about it. In such a situation, they always prefer to maintain a safe distance from the well and this process was going on for centuries. But in September 2021 Oman Cave Exploration Team decided to explore the well and find out the truth. A team of seven members started descending the well and reached the bottom, making it the first time in history that someone stepped down into this dangerous well of hell.
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But after landing in the well, when the inside video surfaced, everyone was surprised. Don't worry they didn't find any demon inside. In fact, this 100 feet wide (circular entrance) and 367 feet deep pit was a sinkhole made of a natural phenomenon, whose upper surface was narrow, but on moving downwards it was much wider, reaching a width of 380 feet at the base. The team spent about four to five hours exploring the bottom of the sinkhole, during which different things were seen in different layers. Somewhere waterfalls, somewhere snakes, somewhere deep layer of pearls, and somewhere thick layer of calcium carbonate.
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Cavers discover waterfalls inside the well along with some dead animals and many other creatures such as toads, snakes, beetles, birds, and lizards. Of course, there was no ventilation inside the well and the air inside was not suitable for breathing, but apart from this, nothing like monstrous powers could be experienced in the well. According to geologists, the sinkhole would have been formed by mudslides caused by water flowing through different layers of the ground.
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Significantly, researchers have not yet been able to find out how old this well is. Scientists believe that the well of hell can be millions of years old, which still needs a lot of research. Although light does not reach the very bottom of the pit. We must heartily thank the exploration team who showed immense courage to step into this dangerous well and freed the whole world from the fear of centuries.