Everyone knows that astronauts need spacesuits while exploring space, but have you ever noticed that why spacesuits are always designed in white color? Space is a dangerous environment with very harsh conditions such as extremes of both hot and cold for human explorers. The sunlight above in space is very intense, resulting in having too much heat there, and also excessively high radiations arising from the sun can cause huge harm to the astronauts' bodies.
Temperatures on spacewalks can range from as cold as minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit to as hot as 250 degrees in the sunlight. Space Suits always protect astronauts by providing efficient cooling and heating systems, such as the gloves on spacesuits are equipped with heaters to keep fingers warm while allowing dexterity to use tools. Spacesuits are always made of white color because white is the only color that reflects both radiations and heat. Another reason is that white makes astronauts effectively visible to crew members even in the extreme darkness. But sometimes they are also found wearing orange-colored spacesuits, which are more suitable for launch and landing, chosen especially for safety because of its highly effective visibility against any kind of landscape, especially at sea.
On the other hand, the opposite of white is black, then it should mean that if white does not allow heat to come closer and reflects it, then it means the black color will attract heat towards itself. You must have seen that in villages a black coating is done on the bottom of utensils, it is done so that they absorb the heat on their side and vice versa white reflects the heat.
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Therefore, in the space where sunlight is intense, the sun does not have much effect due to the color of the spacesuit being white. Due to this reflection property and to stay safe, the spacesuit is always designed white. Another great fact is that this spacesuit is very intensely priced, as it costs a lot. The cost of a spacesuit, which is provided by NASA at the present time, is worth US$12,000,000.
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